Oil-cooled overclocking mining and heat recovery scheme data calculation

frequencyoil cooling aggregate $Overclocking device $Mining machine (S19)The calculated force value Tpower dissipation KW/Helectrovalence $Monthly electricity bill $Coin production quantity of BTC
Overclocking 10%1600018001053.350.1241.20.000368
Overclocking 20%160025018001204.250.13060.00042
Overclocking 40%160025018001335.20.1374.40.000466
Mining cost
frequencyThe amount of money produced every dayThe price is $20,000
Monthly output value
Two-year returnsCoin at $35,000
Monthly output value
Two-year returnsThe price of the currency is $50,000
Monthly output value
Two-year returnsThe price is $70,000
Monthly output value
Two-year returns
Overclocking 10%0.000368220.5152.07%385.875266.12%551.25380.17%771.75532.24%
Overclocking 20%0.00042252162.14%441283.75%630405.36%882567.51%
Overclocking 40%0.000466279.3179.71%488.775314.49%698.25449.28%977.55628.99%
Mining income